On a long trip to Australia in 2004 I discovered kites on the horizon. I had never seen this before and was instantly captivated. In 2008 I moved to Sils to work as a kite surfing instructor in Silvaplana and have gradually rooted myself with the Engadin. I have made many trips all over the world, always looking for, discovering and exploring areas that are as deserted and free of civilization as possible. In 2011, when I finally got the hang of kitesurfing with a Twintip, I started riding strapless surfboards in Australia, which I still enjoy to this day. From 2011 on I have visited many known and unknown wave spots which are suitable for kitesurfing and have been searching for new spots. Wave kiting is still my favorite hobby and is deeply rooted in my dreams and fantasies. In 2015 I learned to foilkite and has become my beloved replacement for the missing waves in Silvaplana. Since 2016 we have been giving very successful foilkiting lessons in Silvaplana. Besides teaching in summer and winter, I also take care of our equipment storage and do repairs on Bridles, Bladders, Bars and Boards. I am responsible for the web shop and the website and I like to advise customers in the shop. By now I have been working for Swisskitesurf GmbH for 12 years. Yannick and I are a tight team and the company as well as our employees are like my family - I love my job and would only trade for very little in the world.