

I have been fascinated by the water since I was a child. Since then, I have tried out various water sports such as windsurfing and surfing. In 2020, I finally took my first kitesurfing course on the island of Kos in Greece. Ever since I stood on the board for the first time and rode my first few meters, I knew that I wanted to pursue this sport further. The feeling of gliding over the water is indescribable. It gives you a feeling of freedom, independence and is quite simply a lot of fun.

You also meet lots of new people at the kitespots and make contacts quickly. From beginners to pros - everyone is part of this unique community. It's great to experience how you are immediately welcomed and how quickly friendships can develop.

The Engadin has always been a unique place for me. Ever since I was little, I've spent most of my vacations here in the Upper Engadin. Be it skiing, hiking or biking. Now I have the great privilege of spending part of my semester break in Silvaplana, where I work behind the bar and dedicate my free time to kiting.