
Booking form for snow kite courses

Would you like to book a course or first make an inquiry?
Let us know which course you would like to attend. If you are not sure, you can check the "Course advice" box below.
When yould you like to begin the course?
how many days do you want to participate in the course?
desired course start time (without guarantee)
how many hours should your course last?

Attention: Please note that a booking is only valid with our confirmation!

For reservations on the same day please call: 081 828 97 67

I accept the general terms and conditions and I am aware that my booking is binding.

Book your course now or request information using this online form

With the form you can have a suitable course recommended to you, book a snow kiting course of your choice or just make an inquiry.

Attention: Please note that a booking is only valid after a confirmation from us!

Further forms on the left: